Japan’s Birth Rate Hits Record Low: Tokyo’s New Dating App Aims to Boost Marriages and Births

Daniel Bryan - Senior Tech Writer
Government dating app Japan

Japan’s fertility rate has reached a new record low, prompting the government to intensify efforts to encourage marriage and family formation, including the launch of a government-run dating app. The country’s population, currently at 123.9 million, recorded only 727,277 births last year, according to recent data from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The fertility rate, which measures the average number of births per woman over her lifetime, has dropped from 1.26 to 1.20.

For a population to remain stable, a fertility rate of 2.1 is required. Japan has not met this benchmark since the 1970s, following the global oil crisis. This declining trend has worsened in recent years, with annual deaths now outnumbering births, leading to a shrinking population with significant implications for Japan’s workforce, economy, welfare system, and social structure.

Image – asahi.com

In 2023, Japan recorded 1.57 million deaths, more than twice the number of births. Additionally, marriage rates are declining, with 30,000 fewer marriages last year and an increase in divorces. Experts predict this downward trend will continue for decades and is somewhat irreversible due to the existing population structure. Even with an immediate rise in the fertility rate, the population will keep decreasing until the proportion of young people to older adults rebalances.

Government Initiatives to Boost Birth Rates and Marriage

In response to this demographic crisis, the Japanese government is implementing various initiatives to support families and encourage marriage. These measures include expanding childcare facilities, offering housing subsidies to parents, and in some areas, financially incentivizing couples to have children. In Tokyo, local officials are testing a new strategy: a government-run dating app aimed at promoting marriage and family formation.

The app, currently in the early testing phases and set to be fully operational later this year, encourages users to take a “values diagnostic test” and allows them to specify desired traits in a partner. The AI-matchmaking system aims to create compatible matches based on these inputs, potentially leading to unexpected and meaningful connections.

Billionaire Elon Musk highlighted Japan’s demographic issue on social media, praising the government for recognizing the importance of addressing the fertility crisis. While experts dismiss the idea of Japan “disappearing,” they acknowledge the significant demographic shifts and necessary adjustments the country will face in the coming decades.

How the Government-Run Dating App Works

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s dating app is designed to help individuals find compatible partners and encourage marriage. Users must be single, over 18 years old, and living or working in Tokyo. The app offers a “values diagnostic test” to assess personal values and preferences, which helps the AI system introduce users to potential matches based on compatibility.

The app’s website promotes it as “the first step” to begin marriage hunting and emphasizes the importance of values in finding a suitable partner. The AI system aims to facilitate connections that might not be apparent through appearance or superficial conditions alone, leading to more meaningful relationships.

Supporting Families and Promoting Work-Life Balance

The Japanese government is also implementing other measures to support families and promote work-life balance. These initiatives include providing information on balancing work and family life, offering housing support, encouraging men’s participation in housework and child-rearing, and providing career counseling. These measures aim to create an environment where individuals feel supported in their decision to marry and start families.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government hopes to build momentum for marriage, helping those who intend to marry eventually take that first step. The app and related initiatives aim to foster a supportive community for marriage and family formation, addressing the urgent demographic challenges Japan faces.

Japan’s declining fertility rate presents significant challenges for the country’s future. The government’s proactive measures, including the launch of a government-run dating app and various family support initiatives, aim to address these issues and encourage marriage and family formation. By promoting work-life balance, providing housing support, and leveraging technology to facilitate meaningful connections, Japan hopes to mitigate the impact of its demographic crisis and secure a stable, prosperous future.

This comprehensive approach underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the fertility crisis and ensuring the well-being of its citizens. With continued efforts and innovative solutions, Japan aims to reverse the declining birth rates and create a supportive environment for families and future generations.

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By Daniel Bryan Senior Tech Writer
Since I was 8, gaming has been my world. This passion led me into the broader realm of technology, and by 20, I found myself in my first writing role. With a background in mechanical engineering, I've navigated through manufacturing and various publications, including Wccftech.
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