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Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals deserve all the respect in the world. Taking care of the sick and injured is no easy task, especially in an emergency room. From life-threatening injuries to unlikely scenarios, ER staff members have seen things that the rest of us can only imagine. Doctors, nurses, and patients took to the internet to talk about their wildest, most memorable ER stories. Some are funny, while others are heartbreaking, so buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions. We have to warn you that some of these stories are quite graphic. Proceed with caution, and remember to stay safe out there.
#1: A Birthday Mishap
Do you remember your 21st birthday? This guy certainly does, but for all the wrong reasons. While celebrating his milestone birthday, he experienced a serious injury that landed him in the emergency room. He had one too many drinks and thought it would be a great idea to sit on the edge of a glass fish tank. Spoiler alert: it was not a good idea.

The fish tank cracked, and the glass sliced into the guy’s butt cheek. The ER doctor who performed the emergency surgery shared that the entire butt cheek was barely hanging on by a thread of skin. The doctor was able to reattach it, but the whole experience was scarring for everyone involved. Hopefully, that guy is okay, and he learned never to sit on a fish tank again.