Tesla Owner Claims Self-Driving Tech Failed to Detect Oncoming Train Before Crash Captured on Camera

Daniel Bryan - Senior Tech Writer

A Tesla vehicle operating in Full Self-Driving mode apparently failed to detect a moving train and stop autonomously, resulting in a chaotic accident captured in a widely circulated video on social media.

The driver and owner of the car, Craig Doty II, admitted responsibility for the accident but also expressed concerns about the functionality of Tesla’s Self-Driving technology, particularly as it existed in his vehicle.

Doty recounted the events of the morning of May 8, stating that he was driving at approximately 60 mph in Ohio, where the speed limit was 55 mph. As he approached a railroad crossing, the Tesla did not slow down, prompting Doty to manually apply the brakes and steer the car away from the oncoming train. The incident was captured on video by the car’s onboard camera.

Despite foggy conditions, both Doty and the police report confirmed that the flashing lights of the active train crossing were visible at least five seconds before the collision.

The accident resulted in significant damage to the car’s front right side, leaving the body mangled and the front right wheel twisted.

Doty, who had been utilizing Tesla’s Full Self-Driving mode for his daily commutes, described feeling a sense of complacency with the technology’s capabilities, believing it to be more cautious than himself as a driver. However, he mentioned a previous incident in November where the car almost collided with another moving train after a sharp turn, further raising doubts about the reliability of the system.

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving mode, marketed as a premium driver assistance option, requires drivers to keep their hands on the wheel while the vehicle steers itself. Despite claims of near-autonomous capabilities, Tesla emphasizes that active driver supervision is necessary.

Following the recent accident, Doty shared the video on an online Tesla forum to gather information about similar incidents. The video gained widespread attention after being reposted on social media platforms.

Tesla has yet to comment on the incident. However, concerns about the functionality and safety of Full Self-Driving mode have been raised previously, with incidents such as abrupt stops on freeways and numerous crashes reported.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating the incident, gathering information from the manufacturer.

In the aftermath of the accident, Doty received a citation for “failure to control” the vehicle, but he plans to contest it, citing the car’s Full Self-Driving mode. He has until July to repair the damages to the railroad and potentially have the citation dismissed.

Despite the challenges and controversies surrounding Tesla’s autonomous driving technology, it remains a focal point of the company’s future vision, led by CEO Elon Musk.

The incident has reignited debates about the readiness and safety of autonomous driving systems, especially as companies like Tesla push the boundaries of innovation in the automotive industry. Questions about regulatory oversight, consumer awareness, and the ethical implications of handing over control to machines continue to be at the forefront of discussions surrounding autonomous vehicles.

As technology advances and companies strive to achieve fully autonomous driving capabilities, incidents like these serve as crucial reminders of the complexities and potential risks associated with relying on AI-driven systems for transportation.

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By Daniel Bryan Senior Tech Writer
Since I was 8, gaming has been my world. This passion led me into the broader realm of technology, and by 20, I found myself in my first writing role. With a background in mechanical engineering, I've navigated through manufacturing and various publications, including Wccftech.
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