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If you’ve ever lived in rent, you probably know the pain of dealing with a landlord. Not all are terrible; of course, some are decent, while others are pretty much MIA (which is the best kind you can wish for). However, a handful of landlords can make renting a nightmare. Between their power trips and their refusal to help fix basic things around the apartment, these landlords would undoubtedly make you want to pack up and move. Sometimes, there’s absolutely no other way of dealing with such frustrating situations than laughing about it. And knowing that you’re not the only one dealing with an impossible landlord.

#1: Ignoring the Problem Makes it Go Away
This tenant dutifully paid their rent and attached a request for an important repair. Unfortunately, it sounds as if this isn’t the first time they brought up this problem, since they phrase it as “we still need someone.” Given these issues, it sounds like they could technically have withheld their rent. You’d think that paying up would endear them to the landlord.

Instead, the landlord only focused on the first part of the tenant’s text and ignored the second part completely. Or maybe he was thanking them for the information that they still had a leak? It seems very unlikely; at the very least, he should acknowledge that somebody will come by to take a look. But hey, he got paid. That’s all that matters to him, right?